
Attendance at Hotwells

At Hotwells Primary School, we believe good school attendance is essential for your child to thrive. We work hard to promote attendance and ensure our children are in school whenever possible.

The Importance of Good Attendance

At Hotwells, we recognise and value the importance of good attendance at school and the impact this has on children's progress, attainment, enjoyment of and relationships within school. 
Attendance that falls below 90% is categorised as 'persistent absence' and is the equivalent of half a day absence every week. We have a duty to ensure that children are attending school regularly and to support families with improving attendance. We track children's attendance weekly and if this becomes a concern we will notify you by text, by letter or by inviting you in for a meeting so that we can work together to ensure that children are not missing learning time. 

Our School Day

The school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:20pm. This is a total of 6.5 hours a day (which includes breaks and lunchtime). In a typical week the total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours.

Absence from School

In order to safeguard the children in our school, we have a duty of care to follow up on any unknown absences. Therefore, if your child is not going to be in school please call the School Office on 0117 9030044 or email to report their absence. Please do this before 9am on the first day of the absence.

The School Office will investigate any unexplained absences by contacting parents/carers by phone or by text on the first day of absence.  This procedure is to ensure that we know where your child is and that they are safe. 

By law, children have to attend school every day unless they are unwell.  If you are unsure whether your child is well enough for school, there is NHS guidance which is available here: - Is my child too ill for school?

The Head Teacher has the authority to allow a child to be absent from school in exceptional circumstances.


Holiday Requests

All requests for term time absence should be made in writing and in advance using the form below.  Requests can either be handed in to the School Oor emailed to admin@hotwellsprimaryschool.orgTerm time holidays will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Unauthorised absences of 8 or more sessions could result in you receiving a penalty notice from the council in relation to the absence.  More information can be found on this below.

Penalty Notice Information

The Department for Education have specified that Schools can only authorise absence for “exceptional” circumstances and so holidays in term time will not normally be authorised. Unauthorised absence may result in the issue of a penalty notice.  Guidance is provided from Bristol City Council below:

If you have any questions about attendance or require any support, please speak to our attendance lead, Matt Edwards.